Jan 31, 2011


This weekend was the debut concert of the band Paparazzi. Of course Tom and I went; the lead singer is not only completely AWESOME but she is also one of our closest friends. It was nice to be able to get out of the house and do something other than work. Last week Tom and I worked almost every night (there was one or two that I didn't work), so naturally it was nice to be able to get out. Tom spent the night with the guys and I was off with the girls dancing, singing and cheering on Crissy and the band. There was a photography that kept taking pictures and we are in a few of the fan pictures because well we were in front of the stage and the photographer was being creeper towards Rena.

Being in the group of friends was great, so was being able to be there and support my friend and see her dreams coming true. It was simply amazing. You never know how thrilling it is to sit (or stand) and watch someone's dreams unfurling and being reality until it happens. It also helped the crowd anxiety as well. When I was in the middle of that crowd I didn't feel the anxiety I felt nothing but excitement for Crissy. I don't think it even dawned on me until the end that I was in the middle of the crowd with my friends and didn't panic. Maybe it was because I was a group of friends, knowing I had a small escape route beside me or just allowing myself to be in the moment and not worry about where I was and what was around me.

Just maybe I am beginning to overcome this anxiety thing. So I got to see an amazing band, see one of my closest friends make her dreams come true, but I also made progress on me getting over my anxiety attacks.

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