Jan 22, 2011

Growing Up Too Fast

I have been subbing in the Pittsburgh schools for about a month now and while I knew kids today are growing up too fast, I was hit with that fact while subbing in a middle school. When I was in middle school I was still attached to certain things like my teddy bears and “dating” meant simply saying a guy was my boyfriend. I think I was the same for most girls I knew. Today its different. You can see the kids growing up way to fast and becoming concerned with things that are too old for them.

There was a middle schooler when I subbed that told her friends that she had a credit card. Now what would an 11 year old (or so) need with a credit card? Or even a cell phone for that matter. Whenever these kids what responsibility they get cell phones, credit cards or whatever else they want. When I was younger if I wanted responsibility my mom gave me more chores to do. Higher expectations that needed to met before I was able to do anything I wanted.

i needed to show responsibility before I got my cell phone at 18. Kids these days throw a fit an get what they want. Back in the day we threw a fit and mom just let us tantrum but that didnt get what we wanted. No was no and there was no way around it we had to accept that. Kids are to spoiled and expect things to be handed to them instead of actually working for it. That needs to change.

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