Jan 21, 2011

Throwing a Fit

As a TSS I have seen many children throw a fit over something they couldn’t have or that they couldn’t go somewhere or watch a certain show or movie.  Children are prone to throwing fits.  The worst fits I have seen were not from the children that I have worked with or even the adults that I have worked with; it was from adults.  Fully grown men and women pitching a fit over something minor something that a child would cry about.

I think sometimes as adults we think we are entitled to things or try to well manipulate our way out of something or into something.  When we don’t get those things we tend to pitch a fit and don’t care who sees or what they think.  Its a matter of “blowing off steam” or releasing anger but we don’t know how to express it sometimes so we scream and shout and yell.  I know people who scatgoat the people around them.  Or instead of listening to those they scream and yell at they remove themselves from the situation still under the basis that they were right and not address it.

It seems that with kids its easier for them to understand they cant have something and let it go.  But as adults we don’t let anything go.  We dwell on them and let them anger us even more.  Then we hold grudges and have a hard time being around that person.  Maybe we should try to get back to little kid thinking and accept that not all of our wants and desires will be met now that we have grown.

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