Jan 17, 2011

Happy Birthday

I know I already had a post for today but I wanted to do another one because of how special of a day today is.  One this day God blessed the world with a very strong and inspiring woman.  She may not know it but she has made a difference in the lives of many and will continue to do so until God calls her home.  I know she has made me into the woman I am today because she has been the perfect example for me.  She is my mom.

For so long my mom was a single mom raising two children.  While my brother and I didn’t get into too much trouble or did anything bad, I am sure we still made things difficult especially when we were entering into our teen years.  But no matter what my mom has been there for me and I know through anything I may go through she will continue to be there for me.  I cannot begin to say how many things she has taught me such as the value of hard work, making sacrifices for those you love.  She made as many sacrifices as there are stars in the night.

Today is a special day because it is her birthday.  I didn’t get to spend the day or weekend with her even though I wanted to, I even tried to plan a little surprise for her while I was moving, but alas she had to work.  But I want everyone to know, but mainly my mom how much she means to me and no matter where I am or how old I am..I will always need my mommy.

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