Jan 19, 2011

Kira Potential

I just finished reading the manga series Death Note a week ago or so. I had extra time during prep classes that I either read or wrote blog notes. But as I was reading the book I found myself siding with Light: Kira. Also the killer in the story. You see Light found a shimigami’s Death notebook and found out that anyone whose name he wrote into it died 40 seconds later of a heart ache or if he specified a death. Light ended up trying to create a utopia by killing all the criminals and slowly those who got in his way. His desire to create a utopia exceeded his moral fiber and values

What I found interesting was the fact that I didn’t want Light to get caught in the story. I wanted someone else to be killed. Which got me to thinking; I know I mentioned it a few weeks back, but what if I found a Death Note? Would I have the ability in me to write someone’s name in it? Would my desire to have a perfect world free of crime and violence drive me to try to accomplish what Light tried? Or would i give it back to the shimigami that the notebook belonged to and go about my business?

Even if it wasn’t a death note (cause really do they exist? Do Shimigami?) in the world. Would I have the capability to kill someone intentionally or not? Since Cain killed Abel (or is it Abel killed Cain?) is that capacity already in me? We all are born with sin, but are we born with the potential to kill someone later in life? Or commit some other crime? Or is that something to be debated with nurture verses nature? Is that capability exist because of the environment people are in?

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