Jan 17, 2011


Love…something people of all ages search for, and for some seems to be out of reach.  I admit that I was beginning to think that love and happiness was out of reach.  That unconditional love and trust didn’t exist anymore and that gentleman quality was lost among many men in this society.  Much to my surprise the date I went on 4 months ago turned out to be just what I wanted.

I will be the first to say that I was scared when I met Tom, skeptical that he was the kind of person he said he was when we began talking.  I didn’t know what to expect.  I was too used to men being something so different.  I have heard people say to stop looking for love and it will find you.  When Tom and I began talking I didn’t put much thought into it.  I actually kind of brushed off that he was remotely interested.  Even when he asked if he could take me out when he moved back to the area I was certain that he wasn’t interested in more than a friendship.  Silly me.

Now we are living together and I am sure there is a “honeymoon” period when things are great and we don’t completely get on each other’s nerves.  I am sure there will be more moments where I will glare at him and of course there will be times when we argue and disagree on different things.  But I also know that no matter what I couldn’t be mad at him for long. And I love him more than anything. That trumps being annoyed at someone.  After so many years of wondering if I was meant to find love and to be able to give someone that love I have to share, I have finally found it.  Cherishing it like the treasure that Tom is.

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