Jan 4, 2011

New Year Expectations

Here it is the fourth day of the new year.  Has anyone begun their resolutions they have set for this year?  Or is it the thinking that “I have all year” to do things that would “improve” the way we live?  I don’t know what this year has in store for me, no body does.  I am excited to see what blessings will come and lessons I will learn throughout the year.  I also worry about what struggles may arise during this new year.  Last year was definitely a year of surprises, some good and some well not so good.  No one can expect to always have good things happening in their lives.  We don’t need to expect the bad, but prepare ourselves in knowing that struggles may appear throughout the year.

Every year we all start it off thinking “yes this year will be the best year.”  “this year is going to be the year I do …… and ……” whatever the …… maybe, how many of us are able to say that we have done everything we set out to do that year?  We never think “okay this will be a good year, but along with the good there is bound to be some bad.”

I didn’t expect some of the struggles I had last year or the good for that matter.  There is no real way of preparing yourself for the unexpected whether it is a loss of a job or the death of a family member, or even something minor like the loss of a friendship.  I grieve over the loss of many of my friends, some new and some old.  I have no clue what will present itself throughout the new year but I anticipate it and look forward to anything life has to throw at me this year.  Lets hope I can handle it with God’s help.

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