Jan 7, 2011

Sisterly Thanks

Yep that time again for me to give thanks to someone special in my life.  Someone who has made a great impact even if he doesn’t realize that.  Growing up the only person my age I talked to or interacted with was my brother.  People keep asking if we are twins, though we are not.  When I sit down and think about my brother and the fun times we’ve had, I realized…I would be lost without my brother in my life.  So here’s a giant sized thank  you to my brother:

Watching over me while growing up

Listening me rant when you’d rather do something else

Trying to get to me to do new things with you

Being strong-willed and kindhearted

Calling everyday during my treatments just to say hi

Making me laugh whenever I’d cry

Being completely random :D

Being an example of hardwork and dedication

Getting me to experience another culture through music and  literature (manga)

Supporting me through any decision I make

Protecting me whenever someone tried to hurt me

When I decided to do my weekly thanks, I set restrictions for myself that it would be 10 things that I am thankful.  But now that I am doing people I am thankful for it is hard to restrict everything to 10 things.  I could go on for 10 more.  When it comes down to it, I am thankful for everything my brother is and has done.  I am proud to say that I am his sister.

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