May 13, 2011


In life there are always things that we are thankful for.  Of course I have some things that I am thankful for some small and simple others large and complex.  I believe from time to time we need to sit back and realize the things that we are thankful for and why we are thankful for them so that we don’t take what we have for granted, and that includes people.

I am thankful for having a nice home to come home to after work or when we go out.  I feel fortunate to have been able to find this awesome apartment, and that we have awesome landlords.   Along with having a nice home, I am thankful that we live in a nice neighborhood, a nice part of the city and have a car to go places.  I mean sometimes we take advantage of having a car or a license but when you think about it, it is something to be thankful for.

I am thankful for wonderful friends who make a big deal out of us going to North Carolina.  Sean keeps telling us we don’t want to go and that we need to stay here for the summer.  Some of our other friends are doing the same, while for some it doesn’t seem to phase them.  Friendships are important to Tom and I and I am thankful we have some pretty awesome friends.

Family is another things I am thankful for; I mean without them where would any of us be?  I understand some people don’t have a good family life and I am very thankful that I do have a good family life.  I am thankful my mom and are as close as we are and that her and Tom are close as well.  Thats something important for relationships, that my spouse and my family get a long.  I am thankful and grateful that they do get along so well.

There are so many things in life to be thankful for.  Sometimes I sit and just say random thanks throughout the day to myself for the things and people I do have in my life.  I think I might send out random thank you cards to people that I am thankful for in my life.

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