May 6, 2011

Momma Thanks

This Sunday is Mother’s Day.  A day where we spend time telling mom just how wonderful she is.  Throughout the week I have been thinking about my mom and the things she has done for me, all the sacrifices she has made to help me make my dreams come true and help me become the woman that I am today.  I honestly wouldn’t be here without my mom.

My mom has been such a symbol of strength and God’s love all my life.  While we struggled sometimes, mom always made sure we had what we needed or wanted.  Without spoiling us of course, though I am sure some people would say otherwise.  My mom has been there through everything I dealt with no matter how big or how small.  She wiped every tear, probably changed every diaper, and helped mend every broken heart and so much more.

I try to show my mom thanks and how much I love her everyday and just like with Valentine’s Day I don’t really need to day to tell her that, but its still nice to have a day specially devoted to her and all mothers everywhere.  Moms should be thanked daily and appreciated I mean without our moms we literally wouldn’t be here.

So to my mom thank  you so much for everything you do.  Everything I do I try to make you proud and show you that you taught me everything I know and that you raised a good woman.  Thanks mom for everything you’ve done and sacrificed…I cannot say thank you enough.

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