May 16, 2011

The Shack

I have started reading “The Shack” again.  I read once and loved it.  This time around I am thinking a little more on my own relationship with God, and how I am I guess you would say acting in it.  I have been thinking “How do I view God?”  Is it like a grandfather figure like Gandolf or Dumbledore, or do I see Him as a someone to be feared?  Better yet, would I recognize God if I seen His face?

There are a lot things in this book that makes  you think and makes you take a deep look at your own relationship with God.  It starts out with tragedy and goes into the “Great Saddness” the main character feels from it and him turning away from God.  How many times have we done that in our own lives?  How often do we turn our backs on God and get angry at Him when something happens in our lives?  something we don’t want.

There are a ton of things Young says in the book that make me think and question not just my relationship with God, but also my relationship with Tom, my friends and my family.  It makes me want to make chances and improve on every relationship I have in my life.  We could always be make relationships better.  I enjoy reading books more than once, you pick up on things that you didn’t realize the first time around.

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