May 3, 2011

Comfort Zone

I know I have talked about comfort zone a lot in the past and recently, but it is something that is somewhat important because it is a big deal for me.  I seem to be stuck in this comfort zone and find it hard to break free from it.  I know I’m not the only one.  Every day people struggle with trying to break free from their comfort zone, some get panic attacks with the thought of breaking out of that place of safety and comfort.

The past couple of months I have been doing some things to break free from that comfort zone that I have fought so hard to remain in for so many years.  This coming Sunday I am going to do something is way beyond my comfort zone and I admit I am terrified of it.  I am going to sing a solo at church.  This is something I have always been too scared to do because it put me far from that comfort zone.

The song I am going to sing say a lot.  It is about the woman who had enough faith that she believed if she just touched the hem of Jesus’ robe she would be healed of her ailment.  Its a beautiful song, and I am singing it at the end of the church service.  I know I am going to be nervous and I might mess up some of the words, but what is the worst that could happen aside from that?  Simply, nothing.  I just hope people wouldn’t be able to hear my voice shake or see my legs shaking as bad as they were when I was practicing.

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