May 12, 2011


The other day Tom said something that kind of made me think a little bit.  He said “This feels like home.  Everywhere else I lived didn’t feel like home like this does.”  Our home does feel like our home.  Sometimes where you live is just that, where you live.  There is no comfort no peace there, but our house has that and more.  It’s warm and inviting.  I love how our home is set up and decorated.  Granted some rooms have yet to be decorated like the dining room, but hey we’re a young couple.  Though I am working with the awful green in our kitchen.

There are a lot of things that go into making a home a home, and one of the most important things is the love that goes into it.  Maybe our home feels like home because we put love into decorating and being together whether it’s just the two of us or if we have friends or family over.  After searching for so long for a place to call our own and a place where we fit in, our home is  that place.  Sure there are still some things that we need to get, a few more things that will make our home “complete” as if we need more than ourselves.

There is a saying that says “home is where the heart is” and that is probably why my home feels like home.  Because when  you walk in you feel the warmth, the caring, the love that we put into everything we do from something as small as doing dishes to something as big as deciding what to paint the walls.  I will get pictures of the house put up within the next few days once Tom cleans  up his magic sorting :D.

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