May 24, 2011

Freedom In Christ

The more I read The Shack, the more I learn and think about various different things.  One of the things that I read was “freedom is a process that happens inside a relationship with him.”  Of course the him is Jesus.  Now could the author possibly mean by saying freedom comes from a relationship with Christ?  I know there are plenty of people that think being a Christian has more restrictions and takes away from freedom, but that is not the case.

Once we have a relationship with Christ things churning around inside, things we are struggling with begin to work things out.  A relationship with Christ also means fellowshipping with Him, communicating with Him and sharing all aspects of our lives with  Him, not just the things that we want share.   We find freedom in our relationship with Christ because we are free from various things.  Sure as humans we will still mess up, fear the unknown and try to make our lives our own and try to dictate how things will happen in our lives.  That’s a part of being human, but once we understand that God still loves us and forgives our mistakes.

I do feel more freedom now that I have a relationship with Jesus.  It is a little hard for me to explain why you find more freedom.  I think perhaps its because we don’t hang on to too many things from the past and are ready to let some things go.

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