May 18, 2011

One Touch

Last Sunday I stepped way out of my comfort zone and sang a solo for church.  While I was so nervous it went well, I might do it again.  The song I sang is called One Touch by Nicole C Mullen.  It is probably one of my favorite songs because it says so much about having faith and relying on that faith.  It is the story of the woman who have so much faith that if she just touched the hem of Jesus’ robes she would be healed.

When we pray how often do we not trust that God will answer our prayers?  Its almost like we pray with the doubt in our hearts.  Honestly how can that be effective?  When we pray to God we need to have the faith that He is as powerful as we say He is.  How can we not prepare ourselves for God to do His will and answer our prayers?  Why do we not have the faith that the woman did?

The story of the woman who had that much faith shows us the kind of faith we need to have.  The faith to trust in the Lord no matter what.  When we pray for something we shouldn’t just sit back and not do anything else, we should show God we trust Him and prepare ourselves for His answer.

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