Feb 26, 2011

Self thanks

So I know last week I was trying to think of something to do for this week’s weekly thanks, and it took me a little while to think of something but I figured one out.  Some of you know I have been a little depressed and down on myself lately.  So I think something I need to do is to look inward and take a good look at the things about myself that I am thankful for.  The good things about me instead of the so called bad things that I seem to be focusing on.

Jumonville 023

I am thankful that I am loyal to my friends and family.  They can depend on me for a variety of things and I am thankful that they can.  I am thankful that I have a sense of humor.  I may not have funny comments or act funny all the time, but there are times when I do and I can laugh at almost anything.  Thankful that I am intelligent and it’s not what i know or my talents but its being smart enough to learn from mistakes, take critisism, and to know how to utilize the knowledge I do have.  I am thankful that I have goals that I am always trying to achieve and work hard to get to be where I am today and want to be in the future.  I am thankful for myself.  For being strong enough to fight through so many hardships and grow into the woman I am.

Sitting here trying to think of things about myself that I am thankful for was difficult.  I think I have a hard time finding the good because I have thought for so long that there was nothing worth giving thanks for, but I realize and know how wrong that is.  I should be thankful for so many things.  I don’t know why it took me so long to just sit and think about what I am thankful for within myself.  I think it is a good thing to do from time to time to keep myself in check.

1 comment:

Terry said...

Well darling, let me thank you too. For your patience, for your understanding, for your faith, for your ability to forgive and most of all for your love and friendship. I know my life is better for having someone like you in it.

Thank you.

P.S. Jack says thanks too!