Feb 11, 2011

Friday Thanks

So I know lately I have been doing a weekly thanks based on people, but I am going to steer from that for this week.  I’m still giving thanks to a person, but more than one person.  The entire military.  For so many  years (yes I lost track) we have been fighting and having troops in Iraq, Afghanistan and where ever else for one reason or another.  Many of them have missed important holidays with loved ones, missed milestones in their children’s lives and sometimes I don’t think we give them enough thanks and honor.

I know there are a lot of people who would consider celebrities like Adam Sandler, Drew Berrymore, Johnny Depp (of course) or athletes such as Big Ben, or Aaron Rodgers, Sidney Crosby, ARod.  Sure they have good qualities in them but are the really heroes?  Are they risking their lives daily to make sure that our lives are safe?  Or following the orders of someone that everyone may not agree with?  We all know not everyone includeing military personnel agree with the US have troops overseas, but they still go when called.

One of my close friends is in the Army and has been overseas numerous times (again I lost track) and he goes willingly each time saying it was his duty as a soldier and as a child of God to serve his country the best he can.  I want to give all our military a big thanks.  Without them who knows where we would be.

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