Feb 19, 2011

Special Thanks

I keep doing weekly thanks and its starting to get harder to think of specific things to be thankful for like spending that time to give thanks to specific people.  Today will be the last specific person for a little while, but I will do more of those because I think it is important.  But for next week I will have to think of something different to theme my thanks post on. Any ideas?

This week my weekly thanks is for a person who has been there for a lot of things even if he wasn’t able to be there physically.  Terry, we met online and have been friends for several years now and are close, but busy lives cause for lack of communication that I do miss and will try to get back when things settle.  Terry has been my best guy friend for a while.  I know I can go to him with anything and know he can come to me with anything and we would be brutally honest with each other.  I realize sometimes the things I say may have hurt him and in the future I could hurt him more (Im human there will never be a time when I dont hurt the people closest to me).  But one thing I want Terry to know is he means a great deal to me.

I thank him for all the late nights just BSing on WoW whether it be playing hide and seek or just killing things while we talked about the things going on in our lives.  I thank him for the love and loyalty he’s shown, not many online friends are as loyal as Terry and I know sometime in the NEAR future we will meet someway somehow.  I am thankful for his cookiness and love for the Labyrinth that I share.  Thankful for the nights we played Literati til we couldn’t think straight.

We have had our differences, but our friendship remains true and strong.  I know lately I havent been around to chat as much, but I want him to know is that will change soon.  I am determined to bring back our talks and game play.  There isn’t anything about Terry that I am not thankful for, Im thankful for and love everything about him because that is what makes Terry such a wonderful person and friend.  Thank You Terry for inside jokes, understanding no else has and so much more.  I just think you needed to “hear” that.

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