Feb 10, 2011


The school I have been at this week is one that I have been at before.  I love the teachers, administration and some of the kids (4th –5th graders can get on my nerves).  Because I have been there so much already the kids keep getting excited when they see me.  Alot want hugs, some yell my name “Ms Weiss, Ms W…or my favorite Ms White and Ms Rice” Oh I cannot forget “Ms Pretty.”  (hehe).  It’s a great feeling to have kids excited when they see you and hoping that you are in their class.

Sometimes with every job or any interaction with kids, you have favorites.  As a TSS I had a favorite: SB.  As a sub its no different I have a few favorites at the school.  But there is one little kid that makes me laugh every time I am there: Tyrone.  Hes in second grade and keeps telling me he i sin love with me.  Keeps calling me Ms. Pretty or Ms. Beautiful.  At one point he rubbed my belly saying “rub your belly to make you love me” hehe.  Today Tom was in their class and I helped out until I got my schedule for the day.  Tyrone did not like it.  He kept telling Tom he was keeping his eye on him and somewhat hissing at him it was funny.

Kids have an innocence about them that is getting lost as the years go by.  Sure we al had crushes on teachers and subs, but not to the point of admitting to being a pimp or at least not to my knowledge.  Kids wanted to actually get into fights, one girl stabbed another child in the EYE with a PENCIL!  How are we getting from the childlike excitement to see a favorite substitute to getting the thought in their head to stab another classmate in the eye, or cuss at each other.  We had to write up kids 2nd graders for swearing!  I didn’t know even 1 swear word until I was in at least 4th grade when my friends said them but even then i didn’t say them.  I love my job, but alittle sad at what is happening to our kids.

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