Feb 25, 2011

Renewed Faith

I know yesterday I talked about the downfalls I seen in students I have subbed for.  While some students do frustrate me and make me wonder what is becoming of our youth. But I saw and heard something yesterday morning that helped keep the hope that kids aren’t doomed to act the way some of my students have been acting.

Yesterday in one of the first classes that I had there was a young man talking to his friends.  Now this wasn’t any ordinary talking to them, he was having a very serious conversation with the girls.  He was telling them about Jesus.  An 8th grader witnessing to his friends about how Jesus came to earth and then he told them about his church and a survival camp they went on.  Then at the end of the conversation, he prayed with them!  He openly prayed in the class.  I barely know the kid, first time I have met him and I was proud of him to have that courage to sit there and talk about God and Jesus like it was part of everyday conversation.

How many of us adults can say that we make that a habit?  Or that talking about God and Jesus to our friends comes that naturally or willing to be that open with people about our faith to pray openly with them and for them?  Why do we find it so hard when a boy, just a babe, finds it so easy?  Perhaps that ties in with Jesus saying we should be like children, their innocence and ability to share their faith and display it and not be ashamed to say “What did I do this weekend?  Well I went camping with my church wanna hear about it?”  Why can’t we say “oh I watched the football game with my church family and it was amazing, you should come next time.”  What I saw gave me hope, and encourages me to be more like a child in my enthusiasm for my faith.

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