Feb 24, 2011


Last week I read an article online about a teacher who blogged things about her students.  Sometimes good things, but most of the time not so good things like that they are slackers, losers, unmotivated and that she wanted to say things like “the garbage company called and they are hiring.”   While I do agree with some critics that say that is inappropriate and she shouldn’t blog those things for the students to read.  But I understand her frustrations.  If the students today treat teachers half as well as I have been treated as a sub, I’m worried about today’s youth.

Kids don’t seem to care anymore.  When I was younger whenever a sub said the assignment the teacher left was graded or was a test.  We didn’t play around we did it and we did our very best.  Today….the kids talk, cheat (they don’t even hide it very well anymore) walk around, and give the sub (or in some cases teacher) an attitude when we tell them what they need to do.  Or even like today, call us inappropriate names.  Even as I write this I can hear a girl yelling and talking back to a teacher not a sub.  What makes kids think it is okay to treat teachers with disrespect?

Just 10 years ago we never thought about talking back to a sub let a lone a teacher.  Once we were told to put something away or do something we did it.  When they said do I need to write you up or send you to the office the answer was “No m’am, I’m sorry”  today it’s “I don’t care.”  Why is it that kids don’t care about their future anymore?  I remember I wanted to do everything I needed to stay out of trouble so I could get the grades I needed to get into college, yes in 8th grade I was already thinking about college and caring, so did many of my friends.  What happened that kids don’t care anymore?

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