Nov 30, 2011

Living In The Here And Now

I was reading chapter 4 of Purpose Driven Life and one of the things he stated was that there is more to life than the here and now. That we should live towards the future, or even eternity. I tend to disagree with Mr. Warren on this though. I don't think we spend too much time live our lives in the here and now, but we live in the past. We are too focused on things that happened in the past and wonder what could have been or what should have been.

I think we spend too much thinking and living in the past to even think about the here and now let alone the future. Could it be because the past is comfortable? That is where our comfort zone is, we don't know what the future can hold. We are comfortable with the past because we know what happen and on some level are comfortable with knowing there is no risks involved, where as the future is unknown and scary to an extent. We have a hard time paying attention to the here and now. I don't think we even know how to focus on the here and now.

I made it a goal to try and live in the here and now and look towards the future instead of focus on the past. I don't want to live in the past anymore and allow it to rule my life so to speak. The past should remain there and used to determine or present or our future. So while Mr. Warren is correct in saying there is more to life than the here and now, there is more to life than the past.

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