Nov 11, 2011


Next week is Thanksgiving, the day we sit with family and eat a ton if food. Basically it us the.beginning if the holiday season. Many times wr forget what the meaning of the holiday really is. Why we actually come together. We forget to give thanks on the day designated to do so. Why is that?

Why do we find it so hard to simply say thank you? We tend to say thank you for something we want like if someone gave us ride somewhere or gave us a compliment or a gift. But what if someone did something out of the blue to be nice? How often do we say thank you for that? Shouldn't we say thank you for anything someone does for us? To show we appreciate them and cherish what they do for us. I think being thankful is something that we should do just once a year or during 1 month. It should be something that is continuous. We should give thanks for everything thought the year and randomly tell the people in our lives thank you for everything they do for us.

Even if It posting something on Facebook like "hey thanks for being there" or something. It shows you are thankful and with this society being glued to facebook (I admit I have a tab open with facebook as I type this) it should be easy to post something or send someone a quick message. So tell someone you care about thank you, not just o or around Thanksgiving, but all the time.

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