Nov 14, 2011

Being Hurt

Recently we acquired a new kitten named Orion. He looks much like our other cats aside from him being a little lighter color of gray. He is so lovable and loves to held really tight, that is if you are able to catch him. Whenever we try to pick him up he runs or hisses. Sometimes he does let us pick him up, carry and hold him. More so lately. But when we go to pet him, his ears go back, he closes his eyes tight and his tail goes between his legs as if he is expecting to get beat. Makes me wonder what people did to him in the past before he was taken to the Humane Society.

Seeing how my kitten is reacting to us despite us giving him attention and affection makes me think about myself. Too often I allow my past hurts to effect me. I expect to be hurt, expect to be left alone again. I found it hard to trust that Tom loves me probably like Orion finds it hard to trust us. How do we learn to trust someone after being hurt so often? How do we learn to let our guard down and sleep in someone's arms? The other night Orion fell asleep on me, and then got scared when he woke up. I think that happens to us a lot of the time. We get comfortable with someone, we begin to let down our guard and when we realize it we freak out.

While the ity bity is terrified of Tom and I, he is perfectly fine with the other two cats. He snuggles with them and licks them, tons of attention to and from the other cats. Which also makes me think of how we are with our friends, sure we don't lick our friends, well some of us don't. But we do look to them for comfort and reassurance when we are unsure of our situations. How many of us turn to a friend when we are in need? I think we can really learn a lot about our actions and things to cause us to think by watching our pets.

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