Nov 7, 2011

Loving Thanks

I think every now and again we need to give thanks to those that we love. I have been with Tom for 1 year and 3 months or so and I love him with all my heart. I can't imagine my life without him and can't wait til we get married and I get to spend my life with him. I've been trying to make it a point lately to tell him how much he means to me and what he means to me. also why I love him. There are so many things I love about Tom and things I am thankful for like how he cooks dinner for me when I come home from work. Or how he makes me laugh and cuddles with me at random moments.

I love how he tries to take care me the best he can even if it is putting a movie on for me or turning the heater on before I go to bed. He tries so hard to make me happy and ensure that I am happy with him. And I am. I know there are times when he gets on my nerves or annoys me, but what relationship doesn't have those moments. It is the moments in between that matter, the ones where we spend time together just the two of us, or when we are with friends like Josh and Kate.

Tom is everything I ever wanted and dreamed of and so much more. I thank God for him everyday and sometimes I wonder if I show him I appreciate him enough. Do I spend enough time with him, do I tell him I love him enough. Do I treat him well enough, like do I treat him the way he deserves to be treated. I always think there could be more I could do for him. I love him, I should be able to do more for him and treat him like the prince he is.

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