Nov 28, 2011

Loving Yourself

As I said before I am working my way through Purpose Driven Life, and in the second chapter he talks about how we are not a mistake in God's plan. That we are designed to look the way we do because God wanted us to look this way. But being humans there are always things that we do not like about ourselves, things we would like to change and alter, and in reality some people do go and have surgery to alter how they look. I admit there are things about myself that I do not like, and that includes my personality and attitude towards things, not just how I look.

While there are things that I would like to change, like my weight and this little belly bump I have (most women hate the belly bump) I will not go to the extremes to alter myself. The most I will do is probably dye my hair. I am generally happy with who I am and love the person that I have become and am still growing to be. Some of the things I don't like about myself such as my selfishness sometimes, jealous among other things. We all have things that we don't like about ourselves,things we wish we could change, but wouldn't those things be things that make us different from everyone else around us. Who wants to be just like everyone else?

I should be happy that I am not like everyone else and that there are things that set me a part. Yes there are things I can do to make myself better, improve on what God sees as perfection. But I shouldn't hate God's perfection.

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