Nov 22, 2011

Community Thanksgiving

Tonight we had a community Thanksgiving service meaning all the churches in the area got together for worship and prayer during the Thanksgiving holiday. It was a great experience to hear the other worship teams sing as well as sing with the other churches. It was nice coming together under one church and recognize that while we are different churches we worship and honor one God and that we can be a community with different faiths working in harmony.

Hearing the different Pastors and Priests pray and speak made me appreciate what we have as a community. We have religious harmony that many other communities do not have. What I didn't get to see but Tom told me later was after Pastor Paul spoke, another Pastor gave him the "bro fist" or they patted each other on the back, and Father Gary is leaving St. Lukes so all the pastors stood around him and prayed with him. How many other churches would pray with each other for the safety of another? How many churches would come together and agree while we worship differently we worship the same God and are thankful for that God. All got a glimpse into the worship style of another church. I think that is what I liked the most, hearing other choirs singing and hearing preachers/priests speak in their manner. It was amazing.

Afterwards there was a small reception with cookies and cake. It gave us a chance to sit together and talk. While doing so, Tom and I go the chance to talk to someone within our own church that we didn't get the chance to speak to, but we also got the chance to talk to a Pastor from a different church, a different Pastor Paul. It was a nice experience to have and I appreciate that St. Luke's was willing to play host to an amazing event such as this. I think in the future the community churches should do more events and activities together to show the community that we do have a unity. Made me so thankful for the generosity of St. Luke's, Father Gary and Father John. without them reaching out and offering it to the other churches we would not have been able to experience that.

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