Nov 24, 2011

Thanksgiving Day

Throughout the day everyone has a post or sending text messages about things they are thankful for. I am happy to see a lot of them talk about family and friends and how important those people are to them. Thanksgiving is a day went set aside to give thanks for what we have in life, some do something like things we are thankful for from the year. Thanksgiving reminds us of the things we have in life compared to things we might not have had, or things we wouldn't have without certain luxuries.

In our lives there are so many things that we have that we take for granted, things that the early settlers didn't have, heck things our grandparents, and even parents didn't have. I am thankful for the small things we do realize is considered a luxury like the ability to take a hot bath whenever I want to, or even to turn the heat up when I get cold. I make jokes about my love of shoes, but to be able to have as many shoes as I do, or even as much clothes not just I do but we all do. Im sure everyone who reads this has enough clothes to last at least 1 or 2 weeks. And if we don't we have the ability to wash those clothes. That is something in itself to be thankful for. Things we have in our daily lives, things that seem mundane, but things we would be lost without. Who could go a day or two without a hot shower?

I think on a day that we give thanks for not only the people that make a difference in our lives, but also the luxuries that make a difference in our lives. While we eat the turkey, mashed potatoes, veggies or whatever we all eat on this holiday, be thankful for not only the people we are eating with, but the food were are eating, the home we are eating in, silveware etc. You get the idea. Happy Thanksgiving, and thank you for reading ^_^

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