Dec 12, 2011

30 before 30

A friend of mine and decided to start a list of things we wanted to do before we are 30; 30 things before we are 30. So far we haven't done anything on either of our lists, heck we don't even have full lists yet. But granted there are things we want to do before we are 30 and decide we will do some of these things together.

1. Sing Karaoke
2. Yoga/pilates classes
3. Take a night class
4. get a pedicure
5. Go on the Gateway Clipper
6. Write More
7. Go Salsa dancing
8. Learn to draw
9. Ride a Duckie Tour
10. Finish a video game without help

My List isn't complete and honestly I don't think it ever will be fully complete. There is always going to be something I want to do before I turn 3o and then after I turn 30, there is will be things that I wish I did but then put them on another list of some sort I think as human beings there will always be things that we want to do with life and things we want to accomplish before our time on this earth is complete. Either way,it is something fun to do and possibly bond over. Wish me luck!

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