Nov 30, 2011
Living In The Here And Now
Nov 29, 2011
Nov 28, 2011
Loving Yourself
Nov 25, 2011
Life Is Not About Me
Nov 24, 2011
Thanksgiving Day
Nov 22, 2011
Community Thanksgiving
Nov 21, 2011
Anime USA
Nov 14, 2011
Being Hurt

Recently we acquired a new kitten named Orion. He looks much like our other cats aside from him being a little lighter color of gray. He is so lovable and loves to held really tight, that is if you are able to catch him. Whenever we try to pick him up he runs or hisses. Sometimes he does let us pick him up, carry and hold him. More so lately. But when we go to pet him, his ears go back, he closes his eyes tight and his tail goes between his legs as if he is expecting to get beat. Makes me wonder what people did to him in the past before he was taken to the Humane Society.
Nov 11, 2011
Next week is Thanksgiving, the day we sit with family and eat a ton if food. Basically it us the.beginning if the holiday season. Many times wr forget what the meaning of the holiday really is. Why we actually come together. We forget to give thanks on the day designated to do so. Why is that?
Why do we find it so hard to simply say thank you? We tend to say thank you for something we want like if someone gave us ride somewhere or gave us a compliment or a gift. But what if someone did something out of the blue to be nice? How often do we say thank you for that? Shouldn't we say thank you for anything someone does for us? To show we appreciate them and cherish what they do for us. I think being thankful is something that we should do just once a year or during 1 month. It should be something that is continuous. We should give thanks for everything thought the year and randomly tell the people in our lives thank you for everything they do for us.
Even if It posting something on Facebook like "hey thanks for being there" or something. It shows you are thankful and with this society being glued to facebook (I admit I have a tab open with facebook as I type this) it should be easy to post something or send someone a quick message. So tell someone you care about thank you, not just o or around Thanksgiving, but all the time.
Nov 7, 2011
Loving Thanks
Nov 4, 2011
Being Fair
Nov 1, 2011
Lately I have been thinking a lot about the past four years or so. It’s been four years since the doctors told me I had cancer. Four years since I was told that there was 5 cancerous tumors throughout my lymph node system. Four years since my body was cut open, since I had poison coursing through my body. My hair has grown for four years. Its really been four years since I was told I was cancer free. It doesn’t seem like it’s been that long, but at the same time it does. When you think about 4 years isn’t all too long. Especially when you look at the bigger picture. Four years ago my life could have ended. It was being Hodgkin’s and Non-Hodgkin’s. By chance, I had the good kind.
While I still feel somewhat the same person, I know things are different and not because of side effects or anything, but more because I see things differently. I’ve learned more the importance of small things like blooming roses or simply watching the snow fall, or the smile on my cat’s face when he lays in a sun beam (yes he smiles). I keep thinking that four years ago could have been the end of my life, but it wasn’t. Sure things were bad and no one wants to hear the word cancer come out of their doctor’s mouth, but it could have been worse. Does that sound weird or bad? I was lucky. My cancer was curable, there are so many people who sit in chemotherapy or radiation for months on end, with no sign of a change. There are people who the cancer has claimed their life. I was lucky I am still here. I should cherish my life and not take it or the things in life for granted.
I have been trying not to take anything for granted and live life to the fullest. I don’t want my life to be “Wasted” so to speak. As the saying goes, you only have one life to live. We should cherish it and not take certain things for granted. I dont know if my life would be the same as it is now if I wasn't diagnosed or if I would still have changed. But I am thankful that I went through that experience.