Mar 14, 2011


First off let me say I know the picture is from New Year’s but it suits what this blog post is going to be about.  meandkateFriendships.  If I had a good picture of me and Melissa or even me and Terry I would put it up but alas I don’t so you get me and Kate. 

But I digress.  Over the past few years I have learned a lot about friendships.  The different kind of friends, the level of friendships, the trust, loyalty and forgiveness one gives to friends.  Throughout the years I have lost many friends, some aquaintances and some very close friends, but I have come to accept that that happens as time goes and lives go off into different directions.  Throughout my journey on my Path of Hope, I have met awesome people like Melissa, Terry, Kate, Sean, Tom, and so many more.  All have taught me many different things.

I have had people ask me why do I continue to forgive friends who have caused me pain (mainly verbally not like physical pain).  I forgive because that’s what friends do.  We will not always have moments of sunshine and unicorns, we will fight and not agree on everything.  And as with all aspects of life things will get said that you regret.  So a true loyal friend…forgives.  Or at least I think so.  I lost a friend recently because he couldn’t forgive me for something I said in August, something I already apologized for.  To a point it bothers me that he would have let something hat was said (in anger and pain) ruin a good friendship especially after I apologized numerous times.  I have accepted that I lost his friendship along with others, I have done what I could.

My friends mean the world to me.  I don’t know where I would be without my friends, some even saved my life: literally.  How can you not be loyal to that?  How can people not be loyal and forgive their friends?  I don’t get and maybe I never will.

1 comment:

Terry said...

I recently read a quote somewhere that said "Love is not just an emotion, it's a continuing series of acts." Being someones friend is a continuing series of acts as well because who doesn't love their friends?

Forgiving friends of even the harshest of wrongs is often necessary because even the best of friends have their differences and are, at the very best, human. And as humanity goes we aren't perfect and often do stupid things for reasons unknown.

Your ability to forgive is one of the greatest strengths I think you possess, because it shows you understand the true nature of what it means to be a friend.

Often times it's easy to forget why you became friends with someone in the first place. The ability to forgive a friend shows you remember what the foundation of a friendship means instead of having a "what have you done for me lately" attitude.

That, my friend, is rare indeed. (And a quality I need to improve on.)