Mar 18, 2011

Hearing Thanks

So I thought instead of giving thanks for things in my life I asked some of my friends and family to tell me some of the things about they are thankful for.  It helped me see there are things about me people appreciate.  No this wasn’t an ego boost or something to pump me up but to make me realize I am loved and valued.  I have been feeling the opposite.  Here are some of the things people said:

Terry: Well darling, let me thank you too. For your patience, for your understanding, for your faith, for your ability to forgive and most of all for your love and friendship. I know my life is better for having someone like you in it.

Kate: your humor

Tom: Thankful to have you in my life.  That you love  torture popeye, you put up with my geekiness, that you eat, that you care about me and my family, that i need you, our evil offspring.  Im thankful that your middle name is turklton (Jenny Turkleton LOL), your underwear obsession, when you sing (your voice).  (Tom went alphabetically.   these were the silly ones he did have serious ones i promise)

Chris:  Your sweet personality

Pastor Paul: Your kindness, and courage

There are others and I do hear it day to day things people are thankful for.  The other day my mom was thankful that i found some websites for her.  My brother thanked me for always picking him up to go places.  Sometimes its the little things that we appreciate and hearing thank you and what people appreciate about me is something that sends me souring.  I feel better knowing people do appreciate me.

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