Mar 11, 2011

Teachers Thanks

A few weeks ago was teacher’s week for Liberty Tax, Teachers got their taxes done for free.  As a substitute I talk to many teachers and some honestly don’t care about their students, others are driven to help their student achieve the Pittsburgh Promise.  I sat at my computer just thinking of the teachers I had in the past and have to say I had some really super and awesome teachers.

I am thankful I had teachers who pushed me to achieve the best that I could.  Teachers like Mr. Nevin, Mr. Amos,  Mrs Bertocci and Mrs. Krupa who went above and beyond what was required of them to make sure their students were learning and healthy in all aspects.  I think back to Mr. Amos reaching out to me when I was depressed and realize I owe a lot to that man, same with Mr. Nevin who may not know it.  Mrs. Krupa gave me the thrill and enhanced my love of literature and writing.  Mrs. Bertocci gave me a love for the French language to learn about another culture other than my own.

Teachers are what shape the future and seeing how kids talk to their teachers (and principals I heard a kid call a principal a B***h), there is no respect.  Some teachers have even said substitutes get more respect.  I can’t believe that with the things I deal with as a substitute teacher (thats for another day).  What happened to kids respecting their teachers and simply wanting to hang out with them the way we did?  I remember always wanting to go hang out with Mr. Nevin. We respected our teachers and thought twice before doing anything disresctful.  Our teachers care about us and tried to steer us in the right direction and noticed when things bothered us.  Now…its not like that anymore. 

So for this week’s post it is a HUGE thank you to my teachers in the past, elementary through college all my teachers get a thank you:


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