Mar 22, 2011

Forgiveness, Lovingkindness

In the church bulletin on Sunday there were some extra verses to read in the diggung deeper section. Micah 7:18 was one of them. There part in that verse that stood out for me was towards the end of the verse which says "he remains not in anger forever but delights in lovingkindness." The verse's theme you could say is being like God in our actions. That we should follow God's lead in various situations in our lives.

A lot of the time people ask me how could I forgive someone who hurt me or did something wrong. The only thing I can say is its not in me to hold onto anger. Sure I remember the pain and sometimes it manifests into depression, but I still forgive. How can I not when my God forgave me? I enjoy displaying love and kindness to everyone even if I have been caused pain and heartache.

I try to live a life that models Christ's love and exhibit mercy and grace. My life isn't perfect, I'm not perfect. I know there are some things that aren't Christ-like in my life. That is being human. I accept all my sins and ask for forgiveness and no matter what He forgives me, how can I not treat my fellow man the same way?

Why do we harbor anger and resentment towards each other? Why are we always out for revenge and want to give people "what they deserve"? Who are we to decide what another person deserves simply because they hurt us? I know its easier said than done to forgive a person and let God deal the judgements. But how else do we display His lovigkindness if we never forgive others?

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