Oct 2, 2009


I just finished reading a book called "The Valkyries" by Paolo Coelho, I mentioned him before with another one of his books called "The Alchemist." The Valkyries focused more on hope, or love I forget which because it actually talked about both. In the book the author describes his personal journey to see his angel. Everyone of us has some belief that we have a guardian angel watching over us. I think it is human nature to want to be able to see our angel at one point or another. But in the book Paolo couldn't see his angel, he even had a hard time hearing him, because he was being impatient. I think sometimes when we get impatient in life we tend to miss out on the things that God really has planned for us.

When Paolo finally did "see" his angel it wasn't in the sense that we normally think. We think we would see an angel as a person, when in fact that isn't the case. Many times we see our angels in different forms: a random stranger, a butterfly flying around, a bird on the wire, a squirel eating a peanut from your hand. Gentle things like that are said to be an angel. Angels are all around us and sometimes we don't even realize it. We tend to not notice these things because we are so impatient in life and worried about our own agendas than what God wants for our lives. Maybe when we begin to focus on God's agenda we will notice things more and possibly see angels.

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