Oct 20, 2009



One of my favorite poems is the Road Less Taken by Robert Frost.  His poems always have the ability to get me to think, about of many things.  I saw the picture above and thought of the poem and even the picture got me thinking.  We always try to stay with what we know.  Never venture out of comfort zones.  Some people stay in relationships because they don’t want to date again, some stay at a job because its what they know.  Sometimes we need to branch out and try something new, break from that zone, even if it is small.

Many times staying on that well traveled path hinders us more than keeps us “safe”. Sure you know your comfort zone, you know what to do, how to feel, where to go, but is that how it should always be?  Shouldn’t we want to venture out of that zone and find new horizons, new lessons, new way of doing things; which could lead to a new look on life.  Sure I have stayed in my hometown, but i have done a few thing off my known path and my outlook is completely different, sure other things also play a part, but not traveling the same path helps a lot as well.

Well traveled roads are good sometimes, but honestly after a while they get to be old and tedious.  Simply; we don’t grow.  What harm would come if we stepped of the path, juuust a little: keep the path in view, but venture a little….could it be that bad?

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