Oct 25, 2009


Lately I have been wondering if I have too much compassion or even if that is such a thing, and whether or not that is a bad thing.  I am a very compassionate person and I think that helps me a lot in things, in life.  But at the same time does that play a part in some of my downfalls?  Could some of my failures in life be because I am too compassionate?   Could the way things be right now in work life and personal life be the way they are because I am too compassionate?  Is there a way to even decrease the compassion level?

I was told in a conversation with someone I hold dear, that having no compassion is not a quality  you want, but neither is having too much of it.  Is there a way of finding a happy balance?  Is there a way of getting the compassion level down or even increasing it if you feel you have no compassion?  Odd question….are we born with compassion or is it something we learn..nature vs nurture kind of question I guess.

This past week I have actually worried about my compassion and whether or not it is a bad thing and has caused some of the stress I deal with at work.  Has it caused my client to cling to me even though I tried to keep her at a professional distance?  I mean when does having compassion become a bad thing, when is that line drawn?  I know people say they like that I am compassionate, but I am starting to think it is a quality I don’t like in myself anymore.

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