Oct 19, 2009

Being Selfish

Ok I know I am writing a lot about waiting for someone and patience that goes along with it, but that is what is on my mind a lot lately.  In today’s society we are so selfish.  We want everything “our way” going with the Burger King slogan.  We want things to happen when we want it, how we want it, were we want it…basically we want it so we expect it to happen.  It doesn’t matter that sometimes, things don’t always go the way we want them too, and sometimes we need to wait.

We cannot always have things how we want them and sometimes we need to “sacrifice” something.  I say sacrifice because so many people would consider waiting for something or someone a sacrifice.  So often if we just wait, everything is better than if we had it at the moment we wanted it. Too often we are so selfish in our wants that we don’t realize that if we waited, it might be better.  If we saved money we could get a better car, or computer.  If we waited we could get a better house.  If we waited, and took the time to get to know a person and wait for the right time, relationships could be better than if we jumped into it too soon.

There is a verse in Song of Solomon, which I have already said was my favorite book, that basically says do not rush into things.  It doesn’t have to mean just relationships or even sexual intimacy.  We cannot be selfish in life, the world does not revolve around us, it doesn’t spin just to serve us.  People don’t do their jobs to make  us happy; though I am sure there are people who do think that, and there are people who work in human services, but not specifically for you.  People think waiting for something they want is such a bad thing; but in reality is it really so bad?  Is it so bad not to buy that camera right now?  Or having to wait to date someone we want to be with?  Waiting can be a good thing, maybe the best thing.

I know for me right now, waiting for something I want…is worth it.  I admit in the past I have felt the same selfish way others have and thought waiting wasn’t worth it….but right now…waiting for this….beyond worth it in my eyes…means a lot to me, and will be patient as I need to be….we should all be patient for what we want…..waiting isnt as bad as you think.

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