Oct 15, 2009

Timing and waiting

Sometimes we find ourselves faced with what seems to be a dilemma. We have feelings for someone and it is not the right time. More often than not when that happens most people are quick to just give up, and try to find someone new. What does that say to the other person? Don't you think that would make them feel like they really didn't matter after all or that they didn't mean as much to you as you claim?

One of my favorite Biblical stories is about Jacob and Rachael. He traveled to his uncles land and fell in love with Rachael. Jacob had nothing to offer Laban for Rachael, so he offered to work 7 years for Laban just to be able to marry her. He waited 7 years to be able to marry the woman he loved, then at the end of the seven years, on the wedding day Jacob had been fooled and married Leah instead. It was custom that the younger daughter could not wed until the oldest sister did. Jacob agreed and then agreed to work another 7 years to be able to marry Rachael. Together Jacob worked 14 years just be able to be with Rachael. Shouldn't we approach relationships the same way? If the timing isn't right, shouldn't we at least wait, and show the other person how much they mean to us.

Many times we find someone who we think is worth dating and that we would have a good relationship with but if the timing isn't what we want it to be, we give up. We move on and try to find someone else. We don't wait anymore. We don't allow for timing to play itself out, why not? Is it because we live in what is considered a here and now society? I think if a person is worth wanting to be with and if I think we could have a good relationship then he is worth waiting for. The timing wasn't perfect for Jacob and Rachael, but he was willing to wait and obviously so was Rachael. It was said she was a beautiful woman and many men admired her beauty. So obviously she didn't marry another man and waited til the end of the 14 years for Jacob to be able to marry her.

Other times instead of waiting or trying to move on, some people push the subject which in turns push the other person away. Why would we want to push someone we care about away? Wouldnt we want to be able to show them we respect what needs to be done and stand back. Sure we can still talk to them, and get to know each other, but we shouldn push the issue of being in a relationship until the right time. It may take a while, maybe weeks, months or as in Jacob and Rachael's case, years. But in the end...I think it would all be worth the wait. Worth it to be with someone I care about. Wouldn't you?

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