Oct 17, 2009

Waiting and Patience

The last post I was talking about how too often we do not wait for the timing to be right for relationships anymore.  We want everything to happen right now, when we want it.  Everything in life today is all about instant gratification, no one wants to take the time to wait for anything not just a good decent relationship.  I think too often we think when we want a relationship the other person is ready or wants one.  If they don’t, who do we get mad at?  Sometimes that person and in extreme cases God.  I admit I had a gentleman a while ago, date me and tell me he didn’t want a relationship.  Sure I was hurt, but I didn’t expect his needs to be the same as mine.

I hear a lot of people men and women alike who complain that they cannot find a good relationship.  The problem is, if the other person doesn’t want a relationship, wants to take things slow, or even is ready for one: interested but not ready, we jump to moving on like I said in the last post.  We are quick to just give up and not put forth the effort it takes to build a sort of foundation.  You need a good foundation for any relationship to succeed.  Waiting for someone helps build that foundation.  The patience it takes is great, and you need to be able to see the light at end of the tunnel.  Knowing that being patient and waiting is well worth it. 

My co-worker told me of a woman her boyfriend works with.  This woman has “gotten around” so to speak.  She approached within my friend’s boyfriend’s company and said “I heard you were interested, so work our breaks around the same time and we can have sex in the car”  How is that building a relationship?  How is that showing that it means something to you that someone is interested, or that your interest and feelings for that person go beyond anything physical?  It doesn’t.  Waiting for someone in my eyes shows that you want more than a sexual relationship but something more meaningful.

I think too much that people want to have that feeling filled.  That feeling of having someone close who cares, or someone you care about close.  They want it filled now, immediately to destroy our own lonliness without even thinking that if we waited, that feeling could be filled a lot more, quality and quantity, than if we just gave up and tried to find something different and more open.

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