Oct 8, 2009

Beauty From Pain

I know I have written about this before but it still holds true for me and still makes me think of things. I am listening to a song called Beauty from Pain, by Superchic[k]. We all go through moments in life when we are pained in one way or another. We always wonder why we need to go through this pain and what the purpose of it is. I know I have asked God "why" so many times about the things that I deal with and the things that I struggle with. I will fully admit I suffer with depression and it is something I battle each day of my life, but I know God is there even when everything seems so dark.

I have demons I fight with, demons I am for some reason afraid to let go, so they fester and feed off my own fears. This song helps me realize that yea I go through moments of deep despair and pain, but in the end there will be beauty because of it. We all have demons we battle with, that is part of not just being Christian but being human. There will always be things that hurt us and bring us pain and suffering, but does that mean we should give up? Or should we persevere in the hopes of finding the light at the end of the tunnel? Do we just sit there and wallow in our pain or try to do something about it?

I know how hard it is to try and not allow the despair and heartache to get you down. Sometimes the darkness seems to overpower everything. Sometimes it just takes everything in you to get out of bed or even shower and eat. It's those moments when we feel like giving up is the best idea, but nine times out of ten it is not something that works. When it comes to pain and whatever else we deal with nothing seems to help and we tend to just sit there and let it fester, I know I have done that. We cannot see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, or that light could even penetrate the darkness we feel. For me, sometimes the only thing that gets me through is my faith, and even then...there are times when I want to give up on that. I'm human. We've all been there at one point or another.

Depression, despair, pain, whatever you want to call it, effects everyone at one point in another whether you want it too or not. How we deal with it is what matters. Do you wallow, do you give up, or do you persevere?

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