Nov 27, 2008


Today as we all know is Thanksgiving! Woohoo Turkey, mashed potatoes and a whole bunch of other food. This is basically the time of year when we get together and eat til our hearts content, then sleep for hours because of all the turkey. But we also give thanks for the things we have, but we tend to thank each other, do we really thank God and give him praise on this day of thanks?
Today if not every other day of our lives we need to be thanking God all day long for the things that He has blessed us with. He has granted us so many things throughout life that we need to thank Him for, yet too often we neglect to do so. So in the spirit of giving thanks...I praise and thank God for:

My good health this year
My family and friends
Bringing Todd into my life
Bringing a good job my way even if it is for the season
Giving me shelter and food to eat and clothes on my back
I thank him for my education and the talents He has given me
For simply waking up each day
Helping me through some of the toughest moments of my life
Answering and not answering prayers

The list could go on, but you get the idea. We need to start thanking God more and more for the things we have in life, not just when we "remember" to do so. We need to do it all the time, everyday possibly all day. I mean it's not that hard to wake up in the morning and say "thank you God" or before we go to bed. Or while at work say "thank you for this day" simple! Takes a second or so. Not a drastic lose of time right? Who says thanking God should take hours on end? Thank you God for every blessing you have granted me in my life.

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