Nov 20, 2008


God gave us all different talents to use, and most of the time we can use those talents to give glory and honor to him. We each have different talents, some can draw, others can speak, and some can write along with so many other talents around the world. No matter what our talents are, we should use them for the glory of God.

Sometimes we are unsure of how to use our talents for God while other times the churches and people we are around can help us see how to best use our talents. I have to say I am thankful for my church. I have never been able to use my talents for the glory of God the way I can at the River of Life. I am inspired by my pastors (which is the point right). I am driven more. Sure I have written things about my faith and used my faith in different projects in college and other aspects of my life, but with ROL I can use my talents in different ways. More fulfilling ways, ways that I feel God is happy about.

That brings me to a question: How do we know for sure that our works are making God happy? How do we know if our talents are really honestly truely bringing glory and honor to God? Or are we falling too short sometimes?

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