Nov 3, 2008

Faith and Love

I started to read the Love Dare, which is in the new movie Fireproof. I just finished the first chapter so I'm not really sure where the book will take me, but I'm sure it will be a good direction because it is a faith based book about love. Right before the first chapter was a verse from 1 Corinthians: 1-3, but I am going to focus on part of verse 2. If I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. I think that is a very powerful verse as are the others, but this one I like best.

We can have all the faith in the world, we can believe in Jesus and everything he did, but if we don't have love we are nothing. Faith and love go hand in hand. God is love. So the way I see it is if we have faith but not we really have God? We always say "I have faith in God. God is in my life." but then turn around and say "I can't stand so and so." or "I can't imagine forgiving him." If we say things like that do we really have love? I know it is human to not like certain people, but we still tolerate them out of love for Christ, and fellow man. We can love someone without really liking them or rather their actions.

The Bible says God is love, so if we don't have love, just a small aspect of it we are nothing and our faith isn't that strong. How could it be if we don't have love?

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