Nov 11, 2008


This time of year we start to see signs and boxes for donations for Toys for Tots or other charities that provide toys for children that may not get one for Christmas. I know we all would love to be able to donate a toy or two, but may not have the money for it. While doing various searches online I found a great site that we could go to to find qaulity toys to donate. Toy Overstock is a lot like where they are able to sell quality products for a lower prices because of overstock in manufactorers. There is a toy baby doll: Lets Bring Baby that is marketed at 20.99 for only 8.99 now that is a savings and would allow us to buy more gifts to donate to more kids.

There are so many kids that won't be getting a gift for Christmas, part of showing God's love to the world is showing love and support to those who need it. While you are shopping around for gifts for your own family, it wouldn't hurt to check out Toy Overstock and order a toy for a child less fortunate. That may be to only toy they get this year, and it could mean the world and show that there are people in this world who care and that would make a world of difference.

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