Nov 7, 2008


The fourth chapter: fourth day of the Love Date talks about being thoughtful and that isn't just buying something we think our loved one would like. It means really listening to each other and paying attention to what they say and what they do. Some people think love is something that just comes naturally and doesn't require work, but many of us already know that it takes a lot of work.

The authors say that if a couple don't understand each other the relationship could fail; they will result in arguments and soon resentfulness. Guys get frustrated when women speak in riddles, and women get upset when guys don't understand us. The authors said that women tend to hint at things because we feel most loved when a guy pays attention and understands what we are saying. But the authors also say that while men need to listen more, we women need to become more truthful and not speak in riddles and hinting.

Wednesday night when Todd came to Bible Study he gave me a leaf: not just any leaf, it was purple with red in the middle. It was different and I haven't seen a leaf colored like it. But he said he saw in the driveway, and thought I would like it since I was picking up leaves from the Buckwheat Festival for my scrapbook, so he thought I would like it for that too. It was so sweet and I really did feel loved.

The same idea of paying attention to what each other says and does goes for God as well. Sure we can read the Bible daily and pray to him and say we hear his voice, but do we really listen and pay attention? Do we pay attention to him when he wants us to do or not do something? Or when he tells us to be patient...that is a hard one for us and goes back to that selfishness thing. Sometimes we read the Bible, but don't grasp the concept we don't pay attention to what is being said about different things. We don't actively keep our relationships with God thoughtful. We need to be more thoughts and think about what he does for us. We should appreciate the blessing he gives us everyday!

We need to give God our time, tithes/offerings, faith, trust, love, devotion and more. We need to think about what would God like. How does he feel when I do this or that. We need to think about God before we think about ourselves.

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