Nov 5, 2008

Love Is Kind

This is the subject of the second chapter of the Love Dare that I read last night. Something the author said was "patience avoids a problem; kindness creates a blessing." lets reflect on that a moment: Kindness creates a blessing. I am sure we all are kind to our spouses and do our best to keep their wants and desires in mind. But something we put ours before theirs. The author who i believe is Stephen and Alex Kendrick go on to say kindness has four core ingredients: gentleness, helpfulness, willingness and initiative.

What he says is when we are kind we are willing to meet the needs of the moment, we are careful with how we treat our spouses, it inspires us to be agreeable and we think ahead. One of the greatest examples in the Bible about kindness is the story of the Good Samaritan and that is what Kendrick uses. Here is a man; a Jewish man who gets robbed and beat. Jewish leaders walk past him without a second look, then a Samaritan man, a race who are known to hate Jews, stop and help this man. He takes him to shelter and even pays for his medical attention. What a story! What many of us would do that for someone we see hurting on the street?

We need to take that story and that kind of kindness and show it to our spouse. We need to think more of them than ourselves. I admit that is one thing I do need to work on. This past week I found myself upset because Todd wasn't coming to see me, instead he was supporting his sister in her tennis match. Sure I understood, and I wanted to support her too, but at the same time I wanted him with me. I was upset and i made him know it. After I realized how I acted and that it was wrong of course I apologized, but I still made him feel terrible. I should never make him feel that way, and I don't want to. I didn't act towards his desire to support his sister and tennis team with kindness. I will of course work harder at that and I will pray that God helps me with that.

There are scripture that lists what love is...many of us can remember them, but one of them is love is kind. And I wrote Monday about how we can have all the faith in the world, but have no love then we are nothing. Also that it is said that God is if God is love and love is kind...hence God is kind. If we want to be more like God...we need to be kind. (wow i thought back to high school math..if a=b and b=c then a=c haha). We need to be kind and the dare for today is to do something kind unexpectedly. So be unexpected and do something kind that you normally wouldn't do. Show God's love through your kindness.

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