Nov 23, 2008


Throughout life we meet different people who become known as either mere aquaintences or a good close friends. It's a different times in our lives when certain friends show how important they are to you, or rather God shows you how important they are to you. I have had many people come in and out of my life who said they were friends and in turn weren't, and there are those who are more than friends, those who are like family who you would die for.

I have to admit I have not been the greatest of friends lately and I wish I was and I will do my best to change and call my friends more and let them know how they mean to me. I regret lossing contact with many of my friends, or I haven't talk to them in ages and I feel terrible about it. I mean I know God put my friends in my life for a reason, and like I said I would die for many of them. They are family. Donya is my sister, and I have started viewing John (todd's friend) as my brother and see myself getting protective of him.

We had to do a team building thing at our board meeting yesterday for was something along the lines of "i wish i could more like so and so in these ways" and I ended up with Joey, who I see as a friend I cherish. As I thought about it I realized there were things not only in Joey that I admire and wish I was more like, but my other friends. So here are some:

I wish I was more like Joey because he has such passion and desire for Christ. He has been through a lot and has such faith in God that is amazing for someone his age (our age). He is just a great guy to have as a friend.

I wish I was more like Donya in her kindness and compassion for others. She is one of the most caring women I know and I admire her a great deal. I have learned so much from her and have learned more about myself because of her.

Then there is Tom....Tom could fit in with any crowd. He can make anoyone laugh and is very hard to not like him. I wish I could have the charisma that he has. I wish...I was more like Todd because he has such a cast knowledge of the Bible and other things, way more than I could ever imagine having, just like Pastor Marvin and PAstor Paul do.

And John. Though I just met John, there are things about him that I wish I had. I has a great passion for his talents as a musician. He won't let anything take his passion away and he uses that passion for his talents to honor and glorify God. I truely admire that.

God brings people into our lives to help us grow in many ways. I see ways that I can grow just from having these people and others in my life whom I consider the greatest of friends, even if I don't call them that often. There are others I admire and who have things I wish I had, but if I included them all this blog would be HUGE!...I want them to know that I do cherish their friendships and there are three or four in my head right now who I am thinking about. GOd gives us friends and family for a reason. We need to cherish them and not take advantage of them or their kindness and love for us. We need to let them know how much we appreciate them and that is what this entry is about. I appreciate everyone in my life.

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