Nov 6, 2008

Love is Not Selfish

The movie Fireproof inspired a book called the Love Dare which I have been reading and I used for a few posts already. Day 3 says love is not selfish. We are geared to think the world revovles around us, we want everything the way we want it and when we want it. We are a selfish people. That selfishness will effect your relationships no matter what they are because you expect something from them. What the love dare is saying is that we need to put aside our desires and wants to make sure our spouse's needs are met and are happy before we are.

The book uses the scripture 1 Corinthians 13:5 which says Love does not seek its own. If we love someone we shouldn't be thinking about ourselves. We love God so why should we be expecting him to answer our prayers when we want him to or do the things we want him to. Why should we only want to have him in our lives when it is convenient for us. We wouldn't want our loved ones only at certain times, we want them all the time, so the same should go for God. We should be unselfish when it comes to God. We should give him our time, love, devotion. We should give him ourselves.

Selfishness gets us no where, our loved ones don't feel loved when we are you think God feels we love him when we are paying too much attention to what we want instead of what he wants?

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