Nov 14, 2008


There may be times when we need something good to read or we hear of a great book, but can't seem to find it. In the store I work at many people come in looking for a certain Christian author and we unfortunately don't have it. I have looked for Max Lucado's Facing Your Giants, but we don't have it. That is when I turn not to, or even I look to It is something like netflix, you can rent books from the site, and they are taking 50% off the sign-up fee: so instead of 19.95, you can sign up for 9.95. Not only can you rent books, you can also decide to buy the book if you loved it. I have done that with quite a few of my books like Frank Peretti's Monster.

It is so hard to find Christian fiction books, that aren't the popular authors like Peretti, Dekker, Kingsbery. Bookswim is cool, I like it; and to top it off you're helping the environment by having a tree planted in honor of your gift. Your tree helps balance out new book paper production through a partnership with Eco-Libris. The fact that they are taking 50% off the sign up fee (first month's payment) makes it worth while.

There are so many books out there that contain things we should not be reading. A young girl wanted something to read, but the young adult books had violence and even sex in them that she should not be reading! I have to wonder if teens are reading books that have sex and violence in them, wouldn't that influence their decisions? So why not start them off on to Christian artists who will influence them to rely on God for different situations. I think the more our kids read of quality Christian authors, being proud of their faith and relying on their faith would become easier and they wouldn't feel ashamed that some could. could help keep our kids focus on their faith, I mean at the low price of 9.95 for the first month it is well worth it!

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1 comment:

Christina Cooper said...

I feel the same way about starting kids off with Christian books. I think that it is so important. Because of this feeling, I wrote my own book (a Christian book) it was just published, and I am hoping for it to be the first in a series. I believe that we start setting the foundation for our future with our children. Thank you for your post, and I hope that one day my book will be on the shelves of many!

Christina Cooper
If I Only Had One Wish